
Installation and adjustment diagram of invisible door hinge (how to replace the hidden lotus leaf wi

In this comprehensive guide, we will delve deeper into the process of replacing broken bridge aluminum and hidden lotus leaf in cars. The broken bridge aluminum, located below the vehicle, can be quite challenging to disassemble. However, with the assistance of a jack, we can easily elevate the car from the rear and disassemble it accordingly. By following the step-by-step instructions provided below, you can confidently replace the broken bridge aluminum and hidden lotus leaf in your vehicle.

Step 1: Gather the Necessary Tools

Before commencing the replacement process, ensure you have all the essential tools readily available. These may include a jack, jack stands, socket wrench, and a set of screwdrivers. Safety goggles and gloves are also recommended.

Installation and adjustment diagram of invisible door hinge (how to replace the hidden lotus leaf wi 1

Step 2: Prepare the Vehicle

Park your car on a flat and stable surface. Engage the parking brake and turn off the engine. Locate a strong and sturdy area under the vehicle where you can safely position the jack. Refer to your vehicle's manual for specific recommendations.

Step 3: Raise the Car

Position the jack under the designated area, taking extra care to avoid any components that may be damaged. Using the jack handle, begin slowly raising the car until it reaches a suitable working height. Once elevated, secure the vehicle with jack stands for added stability.

Step 4: Locate and Remove the Hidden Lotus Leaf

Installation and adjustment diagram of invisible door hinge (how to replace the hidden lotus leaf wi 2

Inspect the underside of the car to find the hidden lotus leaf. Properly identify and carefully remove it, ensuring not to damage any surrounding components. Depending on your vehicle model, the lotus leaf may be attached with screws or clips. Remove them accordingly.

Step 5: Access and Remove the Broken Bridge Aluminum

With the hidden lotus leaf removed, you can now access the broken bridge aluminum. This component is responsible for providing structural support to the car's body. Inspect it carefully for any signs of damage or corrosion. If replacement is necessary, proceed with the following steps.

Step 6: Disassemble the Broken Bridge Aluminum

Using the appropriate tools, carefully disassemble the broken bridge aluminum from its mounting points. Take note of the positioning and arrangement of the various parts for easier reinstallation. It may be necessary to remove additional components or detach certain sections to facilitate the process.

Step 7: Replace the Broken Bridge Aluminum

Once the old broken bridge aluminum has been detached, substitute it with a new one of the same specifications. Ensure the replacement piece matches the original measurements and design. Begin installing the new bridge aluminum, following the reverse order of disassembly.

Step 8: Reinstall the Hidden Lotus Leaf

With the new bridge aluminum in place, carefully reattach the hidden lotus leaf using the appropriate screws or clips. Make sure it is securely fastened, as it provides a protective cover for the aluminum and enhances aerodynamics.

Step 9: Lower the Vehicle

Once all the components are securely installed, carefully lower the vehicle using the jack. Remove the jack stands and finally lower the car to the ground.

By following the above step-by-step guide, you can confidently replace the broken bridge aluminum and hidden lotus leaf in your car. Remember to exercise caution during the entire process and refer to your vehicle's manual for any specific instructions or recommendations. It is always advisable to seek professional assistance if you are uncertain or uncomfortable performing the replacement yourself.

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