Tallsen Hardware produces 15 undermount drawer slides with advantageous characteristics compared to other similar products in the market. Superior raw materials are one basic assurance of the product quality. Each product is made of well-selected materials. Moreover, the adoption of highly advanced machines, state-of-the-art techniques, and sophisticated craftsmanship make the product be of high quality and long service life.
When it comes to globalization, we think highly of the development of Tallsen. We have developed a customer-base marketing system including search engine optimization, content marketing, website development, and social media marketing. Through these methods, we constantly make interactions with our customers and maintain a consistent brand image.
We have been keeping our service fresh while offering a range of services at TALLSEN. We differentiate ourselves from the way our competitors work. We reduce delivery lead time by improving our processes and we take steps to manage our production time. For instance, we use a domestic supplier, set up a reliable supply chain and increase order frequency to reduce our lead time.
Drawer slides play an indispensable role in the functionality of countless homes and residences, for drawers themselves rely on these concealed components.
Phone: +86-18922635015
Whatsapp: +86-18922635015
E-mail: tallsenhardware@tallsen.com